Top 10 Reasons to Travel by Bus

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Traveling by plane these days is faster than ever, especially if you live in a fast-paced society where every minute matters. Some people prefer the traditional way of travelling – by bus. Let’s look at some of the reasons buses will not be out of service for long periods of time.

Bus tickets at a discount

Although plane tickets can be found at unbelievablely low prices nowadays, bus tickets are often more affordable and offer more departure options. Tickets can be found at 50% off and regular discounts are available for seniors, students, and children. You will be amazed at how much you can save on bus travel compared to traveling by car (gas, tolls, etc.). It is easy to see why buses are the best economic option.

Wi-Fi and power outlets

Bus carriers are finally realizing what their passengers really need when they travel long distances: power sockets and internet access! This is the only form of transportation that offers this benefit, and it’s not buses. There’s no need to worry about whether your battery will die. If you find it difficult to sleep on the bus, connect to Wi-Fi to watch movies or “kill time”. Your phone will be fully charged when you arrive at your destination. Amazing, right?

Sometimes, breaks and stops

Long distance travel can be difficult if you’re unable to sit still for long periods of time. You can still make a quick trip to the bathroom by train or plane, but that’s about it. Bus drivers take a few short and one long break (cca 25 min) to allow you to stretch your legs, have a cup of tea, and get a quick meal. It is easier to use the restrooms at a gas station that are maintained by cleaners than to try to squeeze into tiny toilets on planes.

You don’t have to worry about your luggage getting lost

No one hasn’t thought about possible baggage loss before a flight. Once you land, you wait impatiently for the luggage to arrive on the carousel. It can be stressful. Buses are different! The bus driver will take your luggage and place it in the designated compartment. You’re now ready to go! The best part is that you can take as much luggage as you like. There is no need to worry about whether your weight will exceed the limit or if you will have to pay an additional fee. You can bring whatever you need, and it’s all yours!

There is no need to plan in advance

It is common to book a plane ticket months in advance. It is common to book months in advance to secure a great deal on plane tickets. Tickets can become 10 times more expensive as the travel date gets closer. Bus tickets are generally the same price regardless of whether you buy them half a year ahead or one day before your trip. A bus ticket is a great option if you don’t have the luxury of planning your vacation so far in advance. Bus tickets are also great for changing your departure date. Simply contact customer service via email with your ticket number and state that you wish to change your departure date. It’s easy!

Everything is connected to location

Have you ever been there? Only to find out that the city center is far away from your airport when you finally arrive at your destination? You might end up paying more for a taxi if you take a shuttle bus. Bus stations, on the other side, are usually located close to the centre of the city so it is easier to continue your journey from a bus stop. It is much more likely to find a local bus stop, or a metro station close to a bus station than one at an airport (unless you are talking about larger international airports).

More comfortable seats

Long distance travel can be uncomfortable. However, bus seats offer a slight advantage over train or plane seats. First, you have more room for your legs. This can be frustrating if you bump into the seat in front of your. If the flight is longer than a few hours, it can also make it difficult to adjust your seat. This is not a problem in buses. You can adjust your seat however you like, but make sure the person behind you agrees.

Air conditioning

You’ve probably been in a plane that takes off, but then suddenly it gets colder inside the cabin. This temperature shock is something you didn’t expect. Air conditioning on buses can be adjusted to keep you warm, even if it is freezing outside. Comfort and relaxation are key to a pleasant trip. You can also adjust the air conditioning yourself by pressing a button located above your seat. We think it sounds pretty cool!

The cancellation policy

Most bus companies allow you to cancel your tickets without a reason. You should cancel at least 48 hours prior to departure. However, this varies from one carrier to the next. You will receive the maximum amount of your money back in any event. You will get your money back if you cancel your plane ticket. However, in 99 percent of cases, the tickets are non-refundable. It is a much better choice to take a bus than a plane.

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